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Complete Holy Week Liturgy of 1962.
Rounded back binding with durable, gold-embossed flexible cover
1896 pp, $51.50 #2726
Misal Diario Católico Apostólico Romano
Está cosido, con cubierta flexible y resistente con relieves dorados;
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Brian David Pouliot, RIP
On November 16, Preserving Christian Publications lost a member of its staff who had become in a sense the face of our Catholic book apostolate. Having started in 1983 in very humble surroundings, in Canajoharie and later Albany, New York, we were joined a decade later by Brian Pouliot. On his eighty-acre farm in Boonville, New York he had an old barn that he promptly converted into an office and warehouse for books, using the skills in carpentry that he had mastered in the previous ten years. His growing family helped their father in this work to make their property our central office. At this profoundly sad time for all of us associated with this work, we choose to let his oldest son tell the story of a devout Catholic father, who raised and supported his family while promoting the Faith, through the distribution of traditional Catholic books.
Dad's unexpected departure is an occasion of incredible sadness. It concludes the story of a man spending his entire life trying his best to take care of his family in the modern world.
Dad was born into a community of working-class French Canadians in New Hampshire during the summer of 1954. A large number of Canadians had immigrated, working in the local textile mills. At only five years old, during Christmastime, his father died, leaving him to be raised by a single mother. His aunt moved in to help raise him and support his mom. Read More