Preserving Christian Publications
Preserving Christian Publications
is proud to announce the release of
The Catholic Bibliographical Index
Comments on the CBI by Dr. Barbara Berfanger,
Former President of St. Mary’s College, Kansas:
Recently I learned about the release of the Catholic
Bibliographical Index by
Preserving Christian Publications.
My experience in research and in teaching led me
to recognize quickly and without doubt that this
Index offers an immense, rich resource about
works by Catholic authors.
Miniature Lives of the Saints for Every Day in the Year:
No tax
Vol. 1 [each includes a simple outline of the saint, a characteristic virtue, an exhortation, a maxim of the saint or of some spiritual writer, an illustrative anecdote & a text from Scripture]
Data sheet
- Condition
- binding (fair) pages (good)
- Year Published & Pages
- vol 1 only: Jan 1-June 30 [vol 2 missing] n.d. [c. 1877] 389p 5.25" x 3.75" [includes supplementary lives arranged for a triduo & a novena]
- Author
- Bowden, Fr Henry Sebastian, Cong. Orat., ed by